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    Measures to prevent scaling
    Time:2021-07-08 09:44:13
    Article release:Admin
    Original author:Unknown

    Measures to prevent scaling

    (1) Strictly close the water quality in the operation. Strictly test the water quality in the system and the softened water in the softening tank. Only after passing the test can it be injected into the pipe network.

    (2) when the new system is put into operation, the heat exchanger should be separated from the system for a period of time, and then the heat exchanger is put into the system. To avoid the impurities in the pipe network into the heat exchanger.

    (3) in the whole system, in addition to the pollution device and filter should be irregular cleaning, but also should keep the pipe network clean, in order to prevent the heat exchanger clogging.

    There are six main scaling processes in heat exchangers

    For common heat exchangers. According to the scaling mechanism, we generally divide the scaling into the following categories:

    (1) crystallization and scaling: such as water cooling system, due to the water supersaturated calcium and magnesium salts due to temperature, pH and other changes from the water crystallization deposition on the surface of the heat exchanger, and the formation of scale;

    (2) Particle scaling: the accumulation of suspended homogeneous particles in the fluid on the heat transfer surface;

    (3) Chemical reaction scaling: homogeneous deposition caused by chemical reaction;

    (4) corrosion scaling: the heat exchange medium corrodes the heat exchange surface, producing corrosion products deposited on the heating surface and forming dirt;

    (5) biological scaling: for commonly used cooling water system, industrial water towel often contains microorganisms and their required nutrients. These microorganisms multiply in colonies, and their colonies and their excretions form biological scaling on the heat exchange surface with mud, etc.;

    (6) Coagulation and scaling: on the supercooled heat exchange surface, pure liquid or highly dissolved components of multi-component solution are coagulated and deposited.


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